A definitive guide for software development
A definitive guide for software development

Best states for software engineers in US 2024

Best states for software engineers
Best states for software engineers

But with the flexibility to work remotely becoming increasingly common, the question arises: where do you land your software engineering dream job? So, this comprehensive guide delves into the top 10 states for software engineers in the United States in 2024.

We’ll explore crucial factors like average annual salary, job availability, and cost of living to help you navigate your job search and discover the perfect location to launch your software engineering career.

the Software Engineering Landscape Across the US

While a high salary is undoubtedly enticing, it’s not the sole factor to consider when choosing your ideal software engineering haven.

Several other aspects paint a more comprehensive picture of what each state offers:

Tech Hubs and Industry Focus

Some states boast established tech hubs like Silicon Valley in California or Seattle in Washington.

These hubs attract major tech companies and startups, leading to a concentration of software engineering jobs in specific industries like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, or social media.

Other states might offer a more diverse range of industries where software engineers are needed.

Cost of Living

A high salary loses its luster if it’s devoured by the cost of living. States like California and New York offer high salaries but also come with a hefty price tag for housing, transportation, and other expenses.

Finding a state with a balance between salary and cost of living is crucial for financial well-being.

Lifestyle and Amenities

Software engineering can be demanding, so a healthy work-life balance is essential. Consider factors like access to outdoor recreation, cultural attractions, and a vibrant social scene when making your decision.

Some states might prioritize a fast-paced, urban lifestyle, while others offer a more relaxed and nature-oriented environment.


Taxes can significantly impact your take-home pay. Researching state income taxes and potential deductions for software engineers is vital when comparing salaries across different locations.

Methodology: Unveiling the Top Performers

To identify the top 10 states for software engineers in 2024, we analyzed the most recent data on two key criteria:

Average Annual Salary

This metric provides a benchmark for what software engineers can expect to earn in each state. Data sources like the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and salary comparison websites were utilized.

Availability of Jobs for Software Engineers

A healthy job market ensures ample opportunities for career growth and advancement. We examined job postings on platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and company career pages to determine the number of software engineer positions in each state.

Top 10: A State-by-State Breakdown

Now, let’s delve into the top 10 states for software engineers in the United States, based on our analysis of average annual salary, job availability, and other relevant factors:

1. Washington

Total Software Engineer Jobs: 6,948

Average Annual Salary: $112,080

Location Quotient: 2.42 (Significantly Higher Concentration of Software Engineer Jobs)

Washington takes the crown as the top state for software engineers in 2024. Boasting a thriving tech scene centered around Seattle, Washington offers a high average annual salary for software engineers.

The presence of major tech companies like Microsoft and Amazon fuels the demand for skilled software engineers across various specializations.

However, the cost of living in Seattle, particularly housing, can be quite high. Washington state also has a relatively high income tax. Those seeking a more affordable alternative within Washington might consider exploring suburbs or smaller cities with growing tech sectors.

2. California

Total Software Engineer Jobs: 19,681

Average Annual Salary: $115,477

Location Quotient: 1.71 (Higher Concentration of Software Engineer Jobs)

California, synonymous with Silicon Valley, is another powerhouse for software engineers. This state offers a plethora of software engineering opportunities across diverse industries, from established tech giants like Google and Apple to innovative startups.

The average annual salary for software engineers in California is highly competitive, but so is the cost of living.

Housing prices, particularly in Silicon Valley, can be astronomical. California also has a high state income tax. However, for those seeking a dynamic and fast-paced work environment with access to cutting-edge technology, California remains a top contender.

3. Oregon

Total Software Engineer Jobs: 2,587

Average Annual Salary: $91,473

Location Quotient: 1.59 (Higher Concentration of Software Engineer Jobs)

Oregon is a rising star for software engineers, especially those seeking a balance between career opportunities and a more relaxed lifestyle. This state boasts a burgeoning tech sector with a growing concentration of software engineer jobs, particularly in Portland.

The average annual salary is attractive, and the cost of living, while increasing, remains significantly lower compared to California and Washington.

Oregon’s natural beauty, with its stunning mountains, forests, and coastline, offers a wealth of outdoor recreation opportunities. The state also fosters a strong work-life balance culture, making it an attractive option for those seeking a healthy lifestyle.

4. New York

Total Software Engineer Jobs: 5,058

Average Annual Salary: $92,846

Location Quotient: 1.00 (Average Concentration of Software Engineer Jobs)

New York City, the financial capital of the US, also boasts a strong demand for skilled software engineers. The city is a hub for various industries, including finance, healthcare, and media, all of which rely heavily on software development.

However, much like California, New York City comes with a hefty price tag. Housing costs are notoriously high, and the overall cost of living is significantly above the national average. State and city income taxes also play a role in take-home pay.

But for those who thrive in the energy and excitement of a bustling metropolis, New York City offers a unique blend of career opportunities and cultural experiences.

5. Nevada

Total Software Engineer Jobs: 638

Average Annual Salary: $92,651

Location Quotient: 0.77 (Lower Concentration of Software Engineer Jobs)

Nevada, often associated with casinos and entertainment, might surprise some on this list. The state’s booming gaming industry relies heavily on software development to power online gaming platforms and other technological advancements.

The average annual salary for software engineers in Nevada is quite competitive, and the cost of living, while on the rise due to tourism, is generally lower compared to coastal states like California.

However, the number of software engineer jobs in Nevada is significantly lower than in other top contenders. For those seeking a unique software development niche and a vibrant entertainment scene, Nevada offers an interesting alternative.

Exploring Additional Options

Our exploration continues beyond the top 5 states, highlighting other attractive destinations for software engineers:


Boasting a growing tech sector and a sunny climate, Arizona offers a competitive average annual salary and a relatively lower cost of living compared to coastal states.

Cities like Phoenix and Tucson are attracting tech companies and startups, leading to an increase in software engineer jobs.


This small state packs a punch in terms of software engineering opportunities. Delaware has a higher concentration of software engineer jobs compared to its population size. The average annual salary is decent, and the cost of living is relatively affordable.

However, the tech scene itself might be smaller compared to other states on this list.


A hub for innovation and education, Massachusetts is home to prestigious universities like MIT and Harvard. This fosters a strong tech ecosystem with a demand for skilled software engineers.

The average annual salary is competitive, but the cost of living can be high, particularly in major cities like Boston.


This picturesque state might not be the first to come to mind for software engineers. However, Vermont offers a surprising number of software engineer jobs, particularly in the healthcare and financial sectors.

The cost of living is generally lower compared to the national average, and the state boasts stunning natural beauty. However, the software engineering job market might be smaller and more specialized compared to other states.


Virginia, particularly the Northern Virginia area, is home to a growing tech scene fueled by the presence of government agencies and defense contractors. The average annual salary is attractive, and the cost of living varies depending on the location.

Virginia offers a good balance between career opportunities and a relatively affordable lifestyle.

    The Final Word

    Choosing the “perfect” state for your software engineering career ultimately depends on your individual priorities.

    While salary and job availability are crucial factors, consider your desired lifestyle, cost of living preferences, and the type of work environment

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